A project of Pro Bono Institute focused on improving reentry outcomes
Strategic Partners
MNCJP works with several strategic partners that provide guidance, offer resources, and support programming that drives the work of the project.
District of Minnesota Reentry Court. The federal court system for the District of Minnesota operates a Reentry Court program, which seeks to reduce recidivism rates among formerly incarcerated people. People at the highest risk of re-offending are provided with resources and support to help prevent their return to prison. Through its Civil Legal Needs Initiative, MNCJP provides pro bono legal assistance to participants in Minnesota’s reentry court.
Central Minnesota Legal Services
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services
Volunteer Lawyers Network
3M Company
Adult Corrections Facility, Hennepin County
All Square
Central Minnesota Legal Services
Community Representatives
Dorsey & Whitney
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Fourth Judicial District, Hennepin County
Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota
Koch Industries
Legal Rights Center
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Minnesota Supreme Court
Montage Reentry Solutions
Portico Healthnet
Pro Bono Institute
The Redemption Project
Robins Kaplan
St. Stephen’s Human Services
Target Corporation
Ujamma Place
Urban Ventures
U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Minnesota
U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services
Volunteer Lawyers Network
Volunteers of America – Minnesota
Community Partners
To meet its mission and help improve reentry for individuals in Minnesota, MNCJP works with a number of community partners. These partners include representatives from:
How to Get Involved

Steering Committee
MNCJP is led by an all-volunteer Steering Committee. Volunteers include representatives from law firms, businesses, government agencies, non-profits, and formerly incarcerated individuals to help improve reentry opportunities in Minnesota.
If you are interested in joining MNCJP’s Steering Committee or becoming a Strategic or Community Partner and working with the project to further its mission, please contact reentry@probonoinst.org.

Lawyers and Legal Staff
MNCJP engages lawyers and legal staff to provide pro bono assistance to reentering individuals to address their civil legal needs, including accessing identification, obtaining driver’s license, modifying child support obligations, managing debt, modifying custody arrangements, obtaining benefits, and more.
Licensed attorneys and recent graduates supervised by a licensed attorney in an employment setting are eligible to serve as volunteers.
Paralegals and other law firm and legal department staff are also eligible to become volunteers.
If you are interested in volunteering and would like to receive regular email updates of our Volunteer Opportunities, please contact reentry@probonoinst.org.